The Carrera 6000 is a new fully modular flow wrap machine that offers complete IP65 protection, enabling full wash down capability, even of the sealing elements.

The Carrera 6000 is part of a completely new range of flow wrappers from Ilapak, and the ultra-hygienic design of the IP65 version has been achieved through full stainless steel execution, isolating the electrical cabinet from the main machine frame and smooth, angled surfaces without recesses. Users of the Carrera 6000 will also benefit from shorter lead times and lower COO because of the packaging machine’s unique modular design. Customers can customise their packaging machine by selecting only the modules they need and can easily add modules such as film auto-splicing, gusseting, even a completely new jaw set up at a later date.
Carrera 6000 - for IQF bakery flat bread in shrinked pillow bag

Carrera 6000 - for IQF bakery pizza in pillow bag

Vegatronic 2000 Carrera 6000R - for confectionary candies in pillow